Raw material: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc grape marc
Distillation method: intermittent in a bain-marie
Alcohol content: Alc. 42% Vol.
Tasting analysis
Colour: Transparent, clean, bright.
Nose: Clear, lively, it offers an alternation of fruity and herbaceous sensations.
Taste: with character, well structured, with a long finish.
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Scrivi qui la tua didascalia
Tasting analysis:
Color: transparent, clean, brilliant;
Nose: clear, lively, offering an alternation of fruity and herbaceous sensations;
Taste: has character, well structured, with long finish.
Grappa is a marc brandy made from grapes produced and vinified exclusively in Italy, distilled in Italy. There are three main types of marc which grappa can be distilled with .
Fermented pomace obtained from the racking of red wines.
Semi-virgin pomace, obtained in making rosé wines; the same result is obtained from the pomace of sweet wines.
Virgin wines, obtained by "draining" during white vinification to obtain white wines. In this case, the pomace did not undergo any significant fermentation.